Vision Plan 2018
The Arts Centre for Edson Society (ACES) is a group of Town of Edson and Yellowhead County citizens who have come together to:
- Advocate for the arts and culture community of Edson and area, and;
- Advocate for the future development of a new performing arts facility in the Town of Edson.
ACES goal of a new performing arts facility, which would be available to residents of Edson and Yellowhead County, would have the endless possibility of hosting a wide variety of performances and events.
“A strong arts presence is a contributing factor in maintaining the health of a community – attracting both tourists and residents.”
-Social Impacts and Benefits of Arts and Culture: A Litature Review, Department of Canadian Heritage, 2016
To view the complete Vision Plan, please use the following link:
Edson Centre For The Arts Vision Place – Updated 2018
Prepared by: Arts Centre for Edson Society (ACES) | Edson, Alberta